Recently a client asked me to recommend a few good books on crisis management. With over 25 years in risk and crisis management, I’ve had the pleasure of reading quite a few books on the subject.
There are many out there so how to weed the best from the lot. Crisis Management is not only about responding to crises, but also about detecting rising issues and looming crises, preventing and preparing for them, mitigating their impact and recovering from them. To build resilience companies must take an integrated approach to crisis management which includes risk management, crisis preparedness and response and business continuity. So a useful reading list on crisis management must include titles on risk management, scenario planning, crisis communication and crisis leadership. Here is my hit list!
1. The Butterfly Defect, Goldin, I. And Mariathasan
Wonderful read on understanding the systemic risks brought on by globalization and practical guidelines to be better prepared.
2. Effective Risk Management, Edmund H Conrow
Quite academic, but necessary for anyone wanting to understand and apply risk management in their organisation.
3. The Disasters You Should Have Seen Coming, and How to Prevent Them, Max H. Bazerman, Michael D. Watkins
The Havard Business School Authors explain why predictable surprises are so common in business and society and provide a systematic framework that leaders can use to recognize and prioritize brewing disasters and mobilize their organizations to prevent them.
4. Managing Crises – Rosenthal, Boin and Comfort
The Editors with 25 notable contributors expand the knowledge of crisis management, focusing on case studies of high profile events that have occurred in recent history.
5. Scenarios, The Art of Strategic Conversation, Kees Van Der Heijden
The art and power of scenario planning, articulated here by a Shell executive.
6. Why Some Companies Emerge Stronger And Better From A Crisis, Mittroff
Self explanatory.
7. Crisis Communication Theory and Practice, Alan Jay Zaremba
A well-structured book that examines the before, during and after of a crisis. Practical guidelines for the Communicator and his team.
8. IABC Handbook Of Organizational Communication
A bible on organisational communication, including crisis communication.
9. Leadership, Giuliani
Whether you agree with his politics or not, Guiliani was there and has much to share with anyone seeking to understand leadership under pressure.
And finally, CS&A’s very own and the first audiobook on the subject:
10. Crisis Management – Tales from the Front Line, Caroline Sapriel & Dirk Lenaerts
Happy Reading!
Caroline Sapriel
Managing Partner
CS&A International Risk and Crisis Management